Sunday, 27 December 2009

A few pictures from today's walk

I was invited to go on a walk because it was a beautiful day - mostly blue sky and a warm sun but there was a fairly strong breeze - and I felt that a bit of exercise would be good.

On the road to the cliffs there was an unexpected perfume, I could smell Sweet Violets - looking around the hedge I saw...

Sweet Violet - 27Dec09Image by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

A bit further along the path I looked over toward the sea and was rewarded with this view.

Tregeseal Valley - 27Dec09Image by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

One of the engine houses overlooking Porth Ledden - I have never photographed it from this direction before, it makes a fairly dramatic image, especially if in mist.

Engine House - Kenidjack Cliffs - 27Dec09Image by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

Just a few of the images from the walk - hoping to put more pictures in Explorer soon.

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Monday, 14 December 2009

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Photographs - Rain on the window

Just testing the photograph options here with a couple of shots I took while it was raining...I had intended to go out but was glad I didn't.

Rain-on-window-01Image by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

Rain-on-window-02Image by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

I think these work rather well and I will be showing more before too long.

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Now up-to-date with this blog

This is just a short posting to mark the point when new information and events in my spiritual life are about to be up-loaded, this blog has been a little while in formation but I hope that it will be updated more regularly and frequently than the Dancer blog.

The postings should be more varied and contain quite a few things and events that Dancer really did not cover - even though it should have done.

Come into my world...

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New musings

21 Jun 09

It has been rather too long since I added something here, I realise that it is mostly because I grew a little tired of my own recent rants. The direction this blog took me, was not the one that I had intended to travel, I may have to start again with another blog.

This general idea was what triggered the Dolphin Muse poetry [and other things] blog into creation, I am pleased with the way that is going and so, am spending more time there, rather than here. I had intended that this blog was to be more spiritual but making note of things that affected me in health and other ways was important too.

This is why I am considering splitting this blog into two parts; one to continue the health, society and conspiracy themes - the second [really the third blog] will be the one to explore more spiritual and personal areas of my life. I have yet to make up my mind about this and have placed it into active consideration. In addition I have to admit that I am not certain how to change this so that it will show as two distinct blogs, I may have to use 'cut-and-paste' to extract the posts I want to move.

There probably is a purpose and a place for a 'rant' blog but I fully intended that this one was going to be spiritual and special interest, like the information about the "Face on Mars near the beginning of this blog and my 11th Re-Birthday post for instance.

This is rather a ramble as opposed to a rant for a change and if anyone can offer advice or suggestions as to how I can make the changes I am looking for, please add something to the comments section below this post.

Thank you for reading this and for your comments too.

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More water issues - Part two

13 Jan 09

As promised, an update on the latest crisis; the plumbers did arrive - twenty-four hours later than originally promised. This was excusable, they had an emergency call requiring work to go on for much longer than anticipated. The arrival today was a bit later than expected but the work went well and we now have hot water on tap. I don't know what the plumber did but he also sorted out the booster immersion element as well - this meant that hot water was available after only an hour.

I am impressed with the service and would recommend the company to anyone who needs a complete building service, if you live in the Penzance area and want details, use the e-mail link from this blog and I will let you have contact details.

Love to all from a very happy Ainsley

Water Confidence and Becoming Dolphin-like

12 Jan 09

I have just realised that, although I had made several references to the Water Confidence process I went through, there were no posts here in the blog to give them have any meaning.
So, here is an edited version of what I wrote for the dolphinsmiles page from Delphiris; her comments are denoted by italic script in the text below.

After having met Ainsley on a dolphin oriented workshop he called me months later – having been nudged by his hyperspace "dolphin pod" to do something about his fear. I gave him a rough outline how I could be working with him, releasing his fear of water and find the joy in being caressed and supported by water. After only three sessions and an insatiable will to progress Ainsley was for the first time in the deep end of the swimming pool, under water, totally spacing out. It felt to me he was going off into another world, feeling totally safe.

A little quote from my diary:

"I have been wondering if, now that I have started the aqua healing sessions, the various water issues I have been having will now end.

Over the years there have been many water things happening to me; back in London a pipe under the bath leaked, the water heater leaked, the toilet cistern leaked and the toilet bowl broke – in a different toilet in the same house the cistern leaked. Here in Cornwall (in our first house) the seal around the bath leaked, the shower unit leaked, the walls leaked, the window leaked. The toilet cistern valve broke (in our new house) and water leaked down the walls, flooding the kitchen; is it my imagination or is there a pattern here?"

Could it be that all I really needed to do was connect with the water element and embrace it, take it into myself fully and accept it, just so that it could stop having to shout at me?

After the second session:

"Thank you for your congratulations; I really feel that I have truly accomplished something here, I never thought that I would enter the water so willingly and, to be quite honest, for all those years I could never see the point of immersing myself in water - except to bathe and even then there were some parts of me that would stay essentially dry."

After the third session:

"I did not realise that I was so far gone, if only I had realised how much fun being underwater was I would have done this years ago. Then again - if I had, then I would not have found your connection and the loving assistance that you are giving me. From that point of view I am glad not to have learned before."

After the fifth session:

I sent Ainsley to have a pool session without me.

" Well I did it! In the pool by myself without any aids of any kind, other than goggles and nose clip. My lower end still has a tendency to sink but I am getting the idea of using my legs and feet to propel myself through the water.

I don't think I need any more water confidence sessions but I would love to have at least one more water massage, I did miss that today."

This is the article I wrote for Delphiris’ website.

I had never been in a swimming pool. When I was in the sea the water did not pass my mid-thighs and once when I was sitting in the water near the edge of a large pond my partner swam past and the waves sent me into a panic which made me spend the next fifteen minutes picking the mud out from under my fingernails. Even having a shower had me in a panic situation if water went into my ears.

Several meditations I undertook showed me that I had drowned in at least two previous lives and I realised that this was keeping me from wanting to enter any watery place: however, I did not feel that I was actually missing out on anything.

Another workshop introduced me to the idea of a spiritual dolphin pod-mate: she took me to places that I had never even dreamed about and told me and showed me some beautiful things. Recently I attended another workshop, this was also dolphin-related and my pod-mate took me again into places that I found wonderful. Another attendee at this workshop was Delphiris, whom I had met several times before but there had been no "connection" between us, this time however my pod-mate gave me a push and Delphiris and I talked for a while, I found that there was a spiritual connection between us, the teacher that I had been looking for was here with me. After this I had a few other things to do but within three months I was contacting Delphiris to ask if I could have the water confidence treatment that she offered.

Delphiris gave me an outline of what she was going to offer me and ask me to do; she insisted, quite correctly, that everything that she said was only suggestion and not an order. So at no time did I feel that I was "under pressure" to perform yet since I had decided to gain the confidence to be in the water I really wanted to get on with all of this work. I was, of course, terrified and in my first wet session this caused me to miss my footing on the bottom step in the pool and I plunged into and was completely immersed in the water. Delphiris said when she saw this that I had taken myself to the second level of her training before she had even given me the first. It was actually at this point that the real fear vanished and I was left with only the residual nervousness about entering the pool and the water.

Just a couple of weeks later there is something I would like to quote from Delphiris. After only three sessions and an insatiable will to progress Ainsley was for the first time in the deep end of the swimming pool, under water, totally spacing out…it felt to me he was going off into another world, feeling totally safe."

This was indeed how I felt; I really could not understand why I had not related to water before and there was a real comfort involved in being completely enclosed and almost cocooned by water. Delphiris was there to protect me but she had to surface three times to breathe while I was staying underwater. Over the next couple of weeks Delphiris gave me a few new techniques to integrate the movements of my upper body with my legs and....

This week I went to a private swimming pool alone, unsupervised just to play in the water by myself, lovely. Thank you Delphiris, for showing me what I can do if I just have the confidence and will.

That was the actual article (with some small amendments) and here below is a little additional piece in the form of a testimonial, I am pleased to include it here as well because what I said then is still fully valid.

"I had the pleasure and privilege of taking the Water Confidence and the Aqua Healing Touch with Delphiris. Until I had done this I never knew how lovely it was to be in the water and I will always be grateful to her for the loving treatment she gave me. I highly recommend her therapeutic sessions to anyone."

Ainsley, Tregeseal, Cornwall

Anyone reading this and wanting some further information should click the link in the side panel to go to the dolphinsmiles website and read for yourself what Delphiris has to offer.

I send thanks and love to Delphiris for what she brought to me and I send love to you for reading this.

Love Ainsley

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More water issues - Part one

11 Jan 09

A while ago I realised that I was having some 'water issues' (details of which can be found on Delphiris' website, the particular page of her site is and was guided to confront them by making friends with the element. These issues seem to have resurfaced for some reason and last evening (10 Jan 09) I discovered that the immersion heater tank was dripping on the floor making the carpet rather damp.

Initially, it seemed impossible to get hold of an emergency plumber - late on a Saturday is one of the times when these plumbers should be on stand-by for call-out. Eventually we did find one, strangely he was only seven miles from where we live, and he was prepared to come and check out our problem. He closed off the water supply to the header tank and, in consultation with us, has agreed to take on the work of repairing the leak and adding a few things to the pipes to make any further work simpler but this would have to wait till Monday.

So we are without hot water - unless we boil kettles - but at least the shower is unaffected so we can keep clean.

This saga will be reported upon soon...

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11th Re-Birthday

02 Jan 09

It is just coming up to the eleventh anniversary of the Great Life-changing event and I felt that it would be appropriate to re-post and update some of the information. The eleventh is an important year, the number 11 is the first of the master numbers in numerology and I felt that using this power would be particularly good, for me - at least. I have only just realised that 2009 is also a master number year (2+9=11) and it may well be this fact that is causing me to write this new segment of my blog.

On 08-01-98 I was working in Adventurine, the New-Age shop Liz (my wife) used to own in Penzance, when I started to feel a little strange. Thinking that it was just hunger, I started to make plans to find something to eat from the bakery on the floor below. I got to the door and was about to take my key out when I felt a sensation I can only describe as a 'pop' in the left side inside my skull. The next thing I knew was that I was lying back against the wall, wondering what had happened and what I should tell Liz.

I tried to reach the phone but found that I couldn't and I propped myself against another wall to await inspiration. At this point everything becomes rather vague, a lot of what I know now comes from what I have been told. It seems that I was discovered by a woman who was looking to find someone who had witnessed her car being hit in the car park outside. It was this angel who contacted the ambulance service to assist me, a policeman who arrived just before the ambulance took one look at me and said, "Oh, he is drunk."

The paramedics knew better and I can remember being loaded onto a wheel-chair to be taken to the ambulance. I know that I tended to drift in and out of consciousness for the next few hours, Liz appeared by my bedside in the assessment room but since I found it difficult to make myself understood I ended up playing with the breathing monitor, making the alarm sound when I took too few or too many breaths.

The rest of the time in the hospital was really boring and I tended to utilise it to perform simple exercises to keep my legs and back fairly supple. When I returned to the out-patients department for a check-up a couple of weeks later the specialist informed me that he was "glad to see you up and around, we didn't expect you to survive a week". Ten days after the event they sent me home.

A few weeks later I had been working in the shop when a friend came in and she expressed great pleasure at seeing me, she knew why I had been absent from the shop for a while and when I said that I thought that I had received 'an awful warning' about my life, she immediately rushed forward saying that she didn't think that what I had said was valid. She placed her hand into my chackric column just above my head and sensed me carefully, what she said next surprised me a bit - but I felt the truth of what she said.

"You were taken out of circulation to be re-tuned and re-aligned so that you can get on with the work you are supposed to be doing."

The next event took place a few weeks after that, Liz pointed out a notice on the advertising board by the stairs inviting people to attend a spiritual healing group to be held locally. This turned out not to be just for healing but to learn the techniques and method of the healing process taught by Ann Moore. This was the first step on my path to where I am now.

After the spiritual healing I was introduced to Advanced Sound-Wave Energy Therapy (Dorinda Hood and Brenda Caldwell - the creator of the AS-WET system), Reiki I (Elizabeth Holman) and Reiki II (Marlene Treloar), Footsteps of the Soul (Pat Angove [creator]), ColourWorks (Melissie Jolly [creator]) and Indian Head Massage (Delphiris Hoffman); all these are for use on clients, though they have to be accepted on a personal basis first. There were several other things but these were for my own development, though these were also tools which could be applied if appropriate.

It then took a period time of working on clients and conversations with my guides for me to understand that 'I am not a healer', the only one who can heal you is you, all I can do is to add energy into the system to assist you to heal yourself. All of which only works if you really want to heal.

After all this I eventually realised that when I looked in a mirror I didn't really know who I was looking at and that all I could see was a mask. I had long hair and a beard and now I felt that I had been hiding behind them for too long, some of my good friends had long been saying that a hair removal was somewhat overdue. The interesting thing was that, after the Great Unveiling, a very short time later I came across a photograph of me - taken when I was about nine years old - and the hairstyle was identical. The 'real' me had re-emerged; one of my healing teachers - Vernon Frost, he offered a couple of Labyrinth meditation workshops, had told me not to hide my light under a bushel - or perhaps he meant a bush (of hair).

The next step I took was to make friends with water, I am still not a 'swimmer' but after the Water Confidence course, with Delphiris, I can now enter a swimming pool without feeling terrified.

So, eleven years on from my re-birth I can say that I am a much more open person and am looking forward to even more learning and development.

At this point I had intended to add a couple of photographs but I realised that the old image of me before the Great Unveiling wasn't relevant any more and only the new image of the 'New me' was 'me' - so here it is.
New meImage by Dolphin Dancer via Flickr

I hope you find this interesting enough to comment here, I look forward to reading what you have to say.

Love - Ainsley

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The arrival didn't happen...

17 Oct 08

But I am still hoping that someone will come here. I felt rather sad that with the (granted, rather limited) publicity there must be quite a few people who are even more disappointed with the no-show; I have to say that my personal feelings are that there will be a visit rather soon. We are on the verge of something very special and rather spectacular and a visit is really overdue.

I probably will not be the first to break the news but I will report the information as soon as I can.

Keep watching the sky may well be the first to spot the visitors.

Love Ainsley

The arrival of new friends

12 Oct 08

I have seen quite a few references to the possible arrival of UFOs above our cities on October 14 (2008) and feel that I have to add my thoughts on this.

I must admit that my mind is rather torn on this matter even though spirit is really comfortable, the human part is still sitting in disbelief here. There is also the concept that the war-motivated masses will see this as something to fight and beings coming here in friendship, could actually result in the destruction of society on this planet.

If we can avoid all the potential problems, then I would really love to see and meet some visitors from other worlds - knowingly meet that is, I am convinced that there are beings among us who are from other worlds and have kept their presence carefully hidden.

I await the arrival with interest, this could be the most wonderful thing that could happen to the inhabitance of our planet.

Whatever happens, I shall make an entry here.

Love to all...(I mean all)

Assisting Gaia

07 Oct 08

An interesting web site has been brought to my attention, http://onewiththewinds,com, while I fully support the idea that assistance should be given to those affected by the storms and hurricanes that are appearing in the world at the moment, it troubles me that these things are being 'tweaked' by well-intentioned people.

In my meditations I have been shown that Gaia does not require healing any more - she just requires support in what she does...occasionally this means some clearing and, in this process some of us will have to change our spiritual pattern. There is also another level to this, some of the souls need to step out of their current incarnation because they have a different area of 'work' to attend and they also need to experience a different way of leaving this incarnation.

What I am saying here is, that the things that Gaia is manifesting are things that she requires, as do the souls that are experiencing them - give assistance to those who remain but do not attempt to mess with what needs to happen.

I know that there are many out there who will not like what I have just said but it is for you to meditate on these things and ask your higher self whether what I have said is valid.

Let me know what you think.

Love to all

Non-mainstream religion

24 Aug 08

Well here comes another target for the 'watch list' or even a possible 'hate list'.

I have been reading through one of the little leaflets from the "Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania", this one about living in a peaceful new world. One of the background facts not covered by the leaflet is that we will all have to be vegetarian - we are all shown as living in complete harmony with all other living animal organisms, what then can we eat?

The leaflet suggests that the whole earth will be transformed into 'a gardenlike paradise state'; lovely but what will happen to those life-forms which are happy in the desert or rocky areas or any place not considered as 'garden' by the members of this religion group.

Incidentally this leaflet goes on to say that there will be food for all and that we will be the ones who will plant and harvest...this implies that the population of Earth will have to fall significantly, how will this be achieved?

It also troubles me that the Bible, supposedly the word of God, is written and re-written by the leaders of the various religious groups so that the book will say what they want their followers to read. I once asked someone who knocked at my front door what the bible said about reincarnation, only to be told that there were no references in the book at all. The emperor Justinian and his wife did a fairly good job of removing most of the references but there are still a few remaining in the King John editions (those are also heavily edited) but I discovered, through a search on the web, that the version of the bible they used was entirely re-written for their use.

If this doesn't attract some comments it will show that no one else reads my blogs and that this for my own entertainment purposes alone.

Love to all

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Long gap - but I hope to do better

28 Apr 08

It has been really too long since I made the last post here; much has happened, a lot of which cannot be told in this blog.

One of the most important things has been felt even by some of my least 'spiritual' friends, they have been commenting to me about how fast time seems to be passing and I didn't really become aware of this in connection to this blog till I considered reading it and adding something new.

I hope to write something new here and this should be somewhat more frequent too, I have added something to my installation of Firefox which should facilitate this. My intent is to spread the field of my thoughts and, although it is still my intention to have a fairly spiritual flavour to my thoughts here, I shall start to add things which just hold my interest - and hold the interest of those who read these things too.

Love to all - Ainsley

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30 Dec 06

This is a very special year ahead; numerologically, it is a number nine year. This number signifies the ending of a sequence and the preparation for something new - growth into a new time and area of growth for the person and for the spirit.

During 2007 you should notice some of the things, and people, you have been involved with finishing and leaving room for something to take their place. The transition will not necessarily be a dramatic one because it will be 2008 which will bring in the new but this will be a clearing out of the old and, essentially, the things which no longer serve your purpose and serve you. Don't try to hold on to them; bless them, thank them for assisting in your development process and release their energies back into the universe.

Something wonderful is about to happen, enjoy it when it arrives.

Have a lovely New Year

I love you all

Ainsley xxx

Information download

30 Dec 06

For a long time now I have been given messages from various sources; these have been my own guides or, more recently, some beings from an alien race I met during meditations. All have been stressing that there is some really 'big download' of information on the way. I have to admit that I have been a little afraid of this, am I really the right person to be the channel for this?

When my non-corporeal and my earthly friends kept telling me, if I was getting this information and being told that I should be ready - basically, shut your mouth and open your mind - then; yes, I am the one.

I am still scared but...I am ready.

This is a time when strange and rather special things are happening; people you haven't seen for years will suddenly reappear in your life or will communicate with you without warning, other people who you are in contact with on a regular basis may vanish without trace. This really isn't something to be worried about, you are shifting to a higher plane and when this happens strange things will happen - shift happens (I couldn't resist that, sorry) and when it does, remember that this is where you need to be and what you need to experience.

The main thing is to enjoy what you are going through - you are in the right place at the right time and this is what ascension is all about.

Be happy my friends, I love you all.

Ainsley xxx
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Shift Happens

17 Oct 06

Shift Happens
I make no apologies for borrowing this phrase from my lovely friend Jennifer, I just say “Thank you.”

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing – shift does happen, usually in the most unexpected ways.

Many years ago I trained as a healer; this was brought about by a very powerful ‘life change’, one which nearly terminated this incarnation for me. Because of this, at this time I felt that my life purpose was to heal people and the Earth too and I set about collecting as many tools as I could to bring this about.

To this end I am now a Spiritual Healer, a Reiki II practitioner, an Advanced Sound-Wave Energy Therapy practitioner, a Transformational Healing facilitator, a ColourWorks facilitator and an Indian Head Massage therapist. At least, that is what it says on my business card.

Truth is that I have now been made aware from various sources; most particularly my own guides, that healing others is no longer what is required. What is needed now is help, help for others to see that they can heal themselves.

Healing others dis-empowers them and reinforces their need for constant healing and protection; letting them be “poor me” and trapping them in an endless cycle of ‘victim’ phases.

Simply assisting them to see that they can heal themselves, reinforces their connection with Source and allows them to move into greater things; particularly into seeing their own divine beauty.

Remember – Thou Art God

Thank you for reading this

I love you all


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The Face on Mars - what do you think?

23 Sep 06

I'm a little off the track I had intended to write about but; I have just checked out the new images from the face on Mars and, despite being proclaimed as just an accidental effect from shadows on a weathered butt, it still looks like a face and I cannot believe that the shadows are always in the right place and angle to permit the image to be seen as a face. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you will but sometimes theory is shown to be fact and this image seems to be more lasting and intact than ever before.

See for yourself and let me know what you think,
this is probably the best way of going to the MSNBC site and looking at the images.

Love Ainsley
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