07 Oct 08
An interesting web site has been brought to my attention, http://onewiththewinds,com, while I fully support the idea that assistance should be given to those affected by the storms and hurricanes that are appearing in the world at the moment, it troubles me that these things are being 'tweaked' by well-intentioned people.
In my meditations I have been shown that Gaia does not require healing any more - she just requires support in what she does...occasionally this means some clearing and, in this process some of us will have to change our spiritual pattern. There is also another level to this, some of the souls need to step out of their current incarnation because they have a different area of 'work' to attend and they also need to experience a different way of leaving this incarnation.
What I am saying here is, that the things that Gaia is manifesting are things that she requires, as do the souls that are experiencing them - give assistance to those who remain but do not attempt to mess with what needs to happen.
I know that there are many out there who will not like what I have just said but it is for you to meditate on these things and ask your higher self whether what I have said is valid.
Let me know what you think.
Love to all
2 years ago
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